Greetings! I am Michaela Wall and will be the Bay Trail PTA Treasurer for the 2023 – 2024 school year.
A little about myself; My husband’s name is Keith and we have 2 children, Keiara, 10, and Michael, 4.
Keiara will be entering her 1st year at Bay Trail in September.
I have worked for the Rochester City School District in the Office of Parent Engagement for the past 5 ½ years, where one of my many responsibilities is overseeing and supporting every building’s parent group and ensuring they are in compliance.
When Keiara was a RCSD student, I served as the PTO President for 3 years.
Upon her entering PCSD, I was an active member of the Cobbles PTA for 3 years, 2 of which I Co-Chaired a committee.
I also come with Treasurer experience as I currently hold the Treasurer role in a Community-Based Organization in the Greater Rochester Community.
I am so excited to be a part of this great team and to have the opportunity to serve the Bay Trail community in this capacity.