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Student Drop-Off

Message from principal, Dr. Snyder regarding student drop-off

Throughout the winter, we have received many concerns regarding student drop-off at Bay Trail. When students returned to school after being out during the COVID-19 pandemic, many families chose to drive their children to school rather than take the bus. The increased number of students being dropped off has remained this year. A consequence of that increase has been a lot of congestion on our Bay Trail Campus and Scribner Road. I want to remind people of a few things that will help with congestion:

  • Bay Trail opens at 7:15 for students to get breakfast and hang out in the cafeteria. Students are supervised and it is quiet time. 
  • Students are released from buses at 7:45 and the buses are usually leaving 10 minutes after that. The release of buses to their elementary stops can cause people to sit through several lights on Scribner and Atlantic. 
  • 2/13 and 2/27 are Ski Club dates. Those students need to be dropped off with their gear, which adds time to the drop-off process. 
  • We ask that parents only use the designated loop to drop their children off. Pulling into parking spaces and dropping children off on Scribner Road puts the children in danger of being injured when they run through the parking lot. 
  • Pull around the bend when you are letting your child out. There are signs indicating where it is safe to release them. pulling around allows more students to exit in a fast manner and keeps the line moving. 

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Bay Trail PTA