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Bay Trail PTA Volunteer Opportunities

Hello Parents,

We hope that you and your families are settling back into a school routine and having a good school year so far!

We are reaching out to you because at some point, you have expressed interest in volunteering.

So that we can target communication in a meaningful way for you, we would like to know how you would like to participate.
We have the following availability:

  1. Open Board Positions
    1. Volunteer Coordinator
  2. 22/23 School Year Event Planning
    1. 8th Grade – Date/Format/Chair?
    2. Spirit wear – Need Chair to help coordinate spirit wear sale
    3. End of Year Breakfast for Staff – Need Chair to plan and coordinate
    4. Winter Concert Fundraiser-Need help coordinating a vendor to provide flowers and coordination of sale during concert
  3. PTA Monthly Meetings
    1. We need more parent engagement
      1. What barriers prevent you from attending
      2. What would encourage you to attend?
  4. Do you have other ideas or skills that you would like to contribute to the PTA not mentioned above? 
    1. Please send them to us, we would love to hear them!

As always, we appreciate your support and look forward to partnering with you!

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Bay Trail PTA