Hello Parents,
We hope that you and your families are settling back into a school routine and having a good school year so far!
We are reaching out to you because at some point, you have expressed interest in volunteering.
So that we can target communication in a meaningful way for you, we would like to know how you would like to participate.
We have the following availability:
- Open Board Positions
- Volunteer Coordinator
- 22/23 School Year Event Planning
- 8th Grade – Date/Format/Chair?
- Spirit wear – Need Chair to help coordinate spirit wear sale
- End of Year Breakfast for Staff – Need Chair to plan and coordinate
- Winter Concert Fundraiser-Need help coordinating a vendor to provide flowers and coordination of sale during concert
- PTA Monthly Meetings
- We need more parent engagement
- What barriers prevent you from attending
- What would encourage you to attend?
- We need more parent engagement
- Do you have other ideas or skills that you would like to contribute to the PTA not mentioned above?
- Please send them to us, we would love to hear them!
As always, we appreciate your support and look forward to partnering with you!